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7 Proven Methods to Acquire More Tax Return Clients This Season

7 Proven Methods to Acquire More Tax Return Clients This Season
7 Proven Methods to Acquire More Tax Return Clients This Season

‘Tis the season—tax season. Since tax practices do the majority of their work in the winter, the transition from one year to the next is a peak time to bring in new clients. Unfortunately, trying to catch new clients’ attention in the middle of the hectic holiday season can be a challenge.

So how can you pull people away from their fireplaces and holiday parties long enough to convince them they need your tax services? Here are 7 marketing methods proven to work for tax practices:

1. Start a referral program

There’s no substitute for good service. Satisfied clients are more likely to recommend you to their social circles. You might even want to encourage referrals with incentives, such as discounts on your services or a gift certificate to a local restaurant. The man called the “Wandering Tax Pro” noted that half of his clients came from one referral.

2. Present documents in an organized fashion

Your organizational skills impact how people perceive your company. Properly organizing clients’ tax returns helps them understand their finances and highlights your attention to detail, which they associate with large returns. Tax return folders are an effective organizational tool because they protect papers from loss or damage. You can also customize your tax return folder with your company’s logo and contact information. This design will remind clients of you—and look much more professional than just handing someone a stack of stapled papers.

3. Offer free seminars

Since most people don’t understand tax laws, you may want to host seminars to teach them how they can maximize their returns. (You can advertise these seminars online, on signs, in the newspaper, etc.) Often, the people who attend your courses will gain confidence in you and become your clients.

4. Distribute promotional items Most people stuff their tax returns in a drawer and forget about them until next year—which means they don’t think about you until next year, either. You can counteract this time lapse by providing promotional items like ink pens, coffee mugs, or refrigerator magnets that clients can use throughout the year.


5. Get involved in the community

Recent studies show community involvement can increase revenue, generate positive brand awareness, and increase employees’ morale. Partnering with local organizations, joining the chamber of commerce, or hosting events will help you establish yourself as a respected community member and make connections with potential clients.

6. Specialize in one area

Since people communicate in their social circles, referred clients will likely be a similar demographic to current clients. You can capitalize on this phenomenon by specializing in the area most of your referrals come from, such as taxes for small businesses or young families. When you’re the best at one thing, people who need that thing are far more likely to come to you.

7. Focus on attracting repeat clients

According to research, current clients are one of your most valuable assets. They’re the most likely population to use your services, refer other clients, and spend the most money with your brand. Be sure to let existing clients know you’re thinking of them with a post card, e-mail, or phone call.


It’s easy to max out your energy (and your budget) trying all of these marketing techniques at once. By trying one thing at a time, you’ll soon learn what works best for bringing new clients to your tax business.

Maria Fonseca
Maria Fonseca is the Editor and Infographic Artist for IntelligentHQ. She is also a thought leader writing about social innovation, sharing economy, social business, and the commons. Aside her work for IntelligentHQ, Maria Fonseca is a visual artist and filmmaker that has exhibited widely in international events such as Manifesta 5, Sao Paulo Biennial, Photo Espana, Moderna Museet in Stockholm, Joshibi University and many others. She concluded her PhD on essayistic filmmaking , taken at University of Westminster in London and is preparing her post doc that will explore the links between creativity and the sharing economy.

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