Shortlist Business Book Awards 2019: From Workplace Happiness To Gender Equality

Shortlist Business Book Awards 2019: From Workplace Happiness To Gender Equality
Shortlist Business Book Awards 2019: From Workplace Happiness To Gender Equality

After reading their way through piles of brilliant entries and spending many hours in deliberation and hot discussion, the esteemed judges – including top authors, broadcasters, publishers and people from all areas of business – have whittled down this year’s entrants to a thought-provoking shortlist of books at the forefront of their field.

On 16th January authors, past winners, publishers and journalists gathered at an exclusive event at The Grange Hotel, London to discover who had made the shortlist. A selection of last year’s winners, Campbell Macpherson, author of The Change Catalyst and Tom Bird and Jeremey Cassell, authors of The Leader’s Guide to Presenting, spoke on how being Business Book Award Winners had boosted their businesses and facilitated new career opportunities. Head Judge Alison Jones then took to the stage to announce the 2019 shortlist.


  • 156 entries
  • 58 women authors entered – more than ever before – and 24 women as finalists
  • More books than ever on wellbeing and happiness in the workplace as well as career self-development – showing the trend to drive self-improvement
  • Books on company culture and ethics – reflection of changing awareness around consumer and employee expectations

The Business Book Awards highlight the quality and variety of business books in the market. They offer industry-wide recognition to new and established authors writing on a multiplicity of subjects for a diverse readership, with no barriers to entry; we welcome entries from publishers and all authors published in the UK.

The winners of the 2019 Business Book Awards in each category – as well as the overall winner – will be announced at a glittering awards ceremony attended by leading names in the business and publishing worlds on 26th March 2019 at The Grange Hotel, London.

The judges of the 2019 Business Book Awards are delighted to announce the much-anticipated shortlist for this year’s event…


Start-Up Inspiration

  • The Creative’s Guide to Starting a Business by Harriet Kelsall
  • The Future is Freelance by Kirsty Hulse
  • The Successful Mumpreneur by Debbie Gilbert
  • Working in the Gig Economy by Thomas Oppong
  • Rise of the Youpreneur by Chris Ducker

Sales and Marketing

  • 100 Practical Ways to Improve Customer Experience by Martin Newman & Malcolm McDonald
  • Art of the Click by Glenn Fisher
  • Narrative by Numbers by Sam Knowles
  • The Choice Factory by Richard Shotton
  • Grow Fast, Grow Global by Sarah Carroll

HR and Management

  • Accelerated Leadership Development by Ines Wichert
  • Data-Driven HR by Bernard Marr
  • Mind Tools for Managers by James Manktelow & Julian Birkinshaw
  • SUPERENGAGED by Nikki Gatenby
  • The Learning Imperative by Mark Burns & Andy Griffith

Embracing Change 

  • Corporate Emotional Intelligence by Gareth Chick
  • Run Fast by Neil How
  • The Lean Product Lifecycle by Tendayi Viki & Craig Strong
  • The Mother of all Jobs by Christine Armstrong
  • The Post-Truth Business by Sean Pillot de Chenecey
  • Heartificial Empathy by Minter Dial
  • Powered by Change by Jonathan MacDonald
  • The Digital Ape by Nigel Shadbolt & Roger Hampson


  • Employee Confidence by Karen J. Hewitt
  • The Leadership Lab by Chris Lewis & Pippa Malmgren
  • Get Social by Michelle Carvill
  • Your Leadership Story by Deborah Henley
  • Recruit, Inspire & Retain by Jacqui Mann
  • Superfast: Lead at Speed by Sophie Devonshire


  • Be More Pirate by Sam Conniff Allende
  • Social Media for a New Age by Katie Brockhurst
  • Shine by Andy Cope & Gavin Oattes
  • The Busy Person’s Guide to Great Presenting by Lee Warren
  • You Were Born to Speak by Richard Newman & Judy Barratt
  • Is This It? by Ruth Kudzi
  • Defining You by Fiona Murden
  • Executive Presentations by Jacqui Harper

Short Business Books 

  • Lessons in Leadership by John Adair
  • Strategy Plain and Simple by Vaughan Evans
  • The Attitude Book by Simon Tyler
  • Be Useful by Jos Burton
  • The Art of Plain Speaking by Charlie Corbett

Specialist Book 

  • The Numbers Business by Della Hudson
  • The Winning Mix by Claire Brumby
  • The 7 Principles of Conflict Resolution by Louisa Weinstein
  • The School Business Manager’s Handbook by Hayley Dunn
  • Power Property Investing for Women by Bindar Dosanjh

International Book

  • Leading Digital Transformation by Joakim Jansson & Marie Andervin
  • The Bootle Boy by Les Hinton
  • Yours Truly by Margarita Mayo
  • Legacy in the Making by Mark Miller & Lucas Conley
  • Resilience at Work by Kathryn Jackson
  • The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene

The global business book market is growing faster than ever before, with millions of titles being sold in the UK every year. This is partly due to changes in business itself: at the end of 2017, 5.7 million SMEs made up over 99% of all businesses in the UK. While a selection of the big names of big business continues to publish high profile books and hire a typographer, it is entrepreneurs – the founders and owners of these burgeoning small businesses – and other experts who are writing books in ever greater numbers.

This has been supported by developments in both the publishing industry and consumer interest. With more budding entrepreneurs the consumer demand for business books has risen, resulting in a 7% increase in the sale of business books and 18% increase in self-help last year. Readers of business and self-development books have an ever-increasing choice of titles, as authors who might not have been offered contracts by traditional publishers (once a barrier to entering the publishing market) are now easily able to self-publish their works or use the services of hybrid publishers to produce and distribute their books in print, e-book and audio formats.

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Hernaldo Turrillo is a writer and author specialised in innovation, AI, DLT, SMEs, trading, investing and new trends in technology and business. He has been working for ztudium group since 2017. He is the editor of,,, and writes regularly for, Hernaldo was born in Spain and finally settled in London, United Kingdom, after a few years of personal growth. Hernaldo finished his Journalism bachelor degree in the University of Seville, Spain, and began working as reporter in the newspaper, Europa Sur, writing about Politics and Society. He also worked as community manager and marketing advisor in Los Barrios, Spain. Innovation, technology, politics and economy are his main interests, with special focus on new trends and ethical projects. He enjoys finding himself getting lost in words, explaining what he understands from the world and helping others. Besides a journalist, he is also a thinker and proactive in digital transformation strategies. Knowledge and ideas have no limits.