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Many Hands Make Light Work(load): Creating A Working Workplace Culture


Many Hands Make Light Work(load): Creating A Working Workplace Culture

Once you’ve got your business up and running, you might think that everything starts to go smoothly, right? No. It’s at this point where you need to capitalize, not just in a financial sense, but in a personal and professional one. A workplace culture that is thriving and dynamic is as important as the relationship you have with your customers, clients, or supply chains. But creating a workplace environment is one thing, but creating a workplace culture that is everything your employees wanted to be is very difficult. Are there any simple ways to get cultured?


What does it mean to you? How can you create a workplace that is respectful? In essence, it’s very simple, but to accomplish this, can be something quite different. We are still battling with the disparity that old school methods of hierarchy have taught us about the workplace, namely that it’s about the higher up the ladder you go, the more important you are. This is not the case at all, and we need to shift away from this. Respect goes both ways, up and down the chain. And now, in the modern world, it’s more important than ever to treat others as we would like to be treated. It’s a very simple thing, but it doesn’t appear to be commonplace in every industry just yet.

Practice What You Preach

It all stems from the leader, and if you are not practicing what you preach, how can you expect others to follow suit? To lay out what type of culture you would like to have in the workplace is very simple, but to implement these on a daily basis requires a lot of hard work. It all depends on the type of people you’ve employed, but to solidify how you work well together, all comes from you. Of course, every industry needs its leader, someone who can see the bigger picture, and knows which pieces of the puzzle work well together, but if you are working towards a company culture where equality and respect are the very least you expect from your employees, then you need to get in there amongst the teams, you need to champion people in your business, and you need to encourage a culture where people do work well together. Not just the typical team building exercises that people view as paying lip service to the idea, but by highlighting why these team building exercises benefits everyone, and reminding your employees of the common goal, only then will you be able to create this culture where every single component understands the unique vision of the business, but are happy to work together towards it.

Go For The Human Aspect

It has never been easier to become more impersonal. Remote working and digital interfaces have meant that the human side of things has become somewhat sidelined. If you want a company culture that is effective and nurturing, the focus has to be on the people. At the end of the day, happy workers are productive ones. If you are more focused on targets, and this is very clear in how you present yourself, you’re not going to create an environment where people are at the center. Numbers and figures are the rigors of a non-human mindset. Instead, think about how you would like to be treated if you were there. Do you want open and honest dialogue between employees and bosses? An open door policy is one of those ideals that is far easier to consider than it is to implement. By having an open door policy, this creates that transparency you so desperately need in a de-personalized business. How can you make this work? Go back to your core values. In addition to this, when you examine your business model, is it all about profit? If so, it’s hardly a surprise that competition and backbiting is a common part of the company culture.


We spend a lot of time focusing on the negatives, what is going wrong, and this is not conducive to a culture of enthusiasm and positivity. Sorry if this is stating the obvious, but we spend so much time focusing on the figures, and why something is going wrong, that we may not even address what we’ve done right, and so, this begins with you. You need to celebrate positive behaviors, as this demonstrates the type of culture you want. Creating a positive mindset will achieve a baseline approach throughout the ranks. A positive mindset can’t be implemented if you focus on the negatives.

Lather, Rinse And Repeat

It’s not just about communicating it once, you need to build on your strengths, and eradicate the weaknesses. If you are trying to create a culture of equality, and being specific in what the values are of your company culture,  it isn’t about hierarchy, it is about behavior, and it’s this ideal that needs to be communicated on a constant basis. The big mistake many leaders make is that they give an order once, and expect it to be followed to the letter, no questions asked. But if you are in the business of creating equality amongst everyone, if you break a rule, it gives others the opportunity to call you out on it. This should form part of your core values, and you need to hammer the point home.

An effective workplace culture isn’t just about the perks; it’s about how your employees feel when they walk into the office first thing in the morning. This is why your employees need to understand the importance of a workplace culture and how it’s meant to affect the business. But the word “culture” is bandied around a lot, and some entrepreneurs merely pay lip service to the idea, but if you really want results, you’ve got to consider the mindset of every single person who walks through your front doors every day. A culture of positivity and encouragement will always yield better results, and negative approach will only encourage others to look elsewhere. When we are looking at creating an effective workplace culture, it’s not just about the values and the vision, it’s about the people.

Contributed content
Hernaldo Turrillo
Hernaldo Turrillo is a writer and author specialised in innovation, AI, DLT, SMEs, trading, investing and new trends in technology and business. He has been working for ztudium group since 2017. He is the editor of openbusinesscouncil.org, tradersdna.com, hedgethink.com, and writes regularly for intelligenthq.com, socialmediacouncil.eu. Hernaldo was born in Spain and finally settled in London, United Kingdom, after a few years of personal growth. Hernaldo finished his Journalism bachelor degree in the University of Seville, Spain, and began working as reporter in the newspaper, Europa Sur, writing about Politics and Society. He also worked as community manager and marketing advisor in Los Barrios, Spain. Innovation, technology, politics and economy are his main interests, with special focus on new trends and ethical projects. He enjoys finding himself getting lost in words, explaining what he understands from the world and helping others. Besides a journalist, he is also a thinker and proactive in digital transformation strategies. Knowledge and ideas have no limits.

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