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How Can I Boost Productivity In The Workplace?

How I Can I Boost Productivity In The Workplace?
How I Can I Boost Productivity In The Workplace?

How Can I Boost Productivity In The Workplace?

To do well in business, you have to be working at maximum capacity; fulfilling orders, improving and expanding. Keeping productivity levels high ensures you’re not slipping behind, are keeping ahead of your competitors and turning the highest amount of profit possible. Looking to give your workplace productivity levels a boost? Here’s how you can go about it.

Offer Rewards or Incentives – How Can I Boost Productivity In The Workplace

Great employees will be motivated and hardworking, but everyone can benefit from a boost now and again. Having some kind of incentive or reward on offer for employees might give them what they need to work that bit harder. Another small way you can boost productivity and employee satisfaction too. Whether it’s gift vouchers, tickets to a spa or a free meal on the company it’s sure to be something the winner enjoys. Alternatively, you could offer ‘employee of the month’ to recognize their great performance and give them credit.

Use an Employment Agency To Cover Illness – How Can I Boost Productivity In The Workplace

Staff illness can take a toll on your entire workforce. With members off sick, it falls to everyone else to ensure the job is done which can be stressful for them and not result in their best work. Reliable staffing agencies can help to take the pressure off, and whether you have one or multiple people off sick, it allows you to keep workflow going and to stay productive.

Create a Nice Office Space – How Can I Boost Productivity In The Workplace

Did you know that there are certain things you can do in the office that make your staff more productive? The first is to change up the lighting. We all know how harsh artificial lighting in offices can be, it can lead to eye strain and headaches and generally doesn’t look very pleasant. Natural light on the other hand is a mood booster and can increase happiness levels as well as productivity. It could be as simple as changing up your window treatments, or moving desks, so they’re closer to the windows. You could use daylight bulbs overhead too. Plants are another small thing you could do, psychologists have shown that living plants increase productivity at work. Plus they look nice too, you could allow workers to display a couple of mini cacti or a plant on their desk and dot a few larger ones around the office. However, instead of redesigning your office space to make it a more attractive and happy place for work, you can choose a more favorable option and rent an already well-furnished office space with the necessary amenities in a business-friendly location. For instance, you can consider renting office suites in Dallas, as the city is among the top places for workers thanks to its low unemployment rate and job diversity. Cities like Atlanta, Tampa, and Houston also can be considered.

Plants in the office havebeen shown to improve productivity
Plants in the office have been shown to improve productivity

Use The Right Equipment – How Can I Boost Productivity In The Workplace

You might have found the hardest working, motivated employees in the world. But if they don’t have the right tools to do their job, it’s always going to slow down progress. Make sure you have good quality, fast and reliable computers. They should be loaded with up to date business software which allows your employees to get through tasks quickly and efficiently. Do some research to work out which softwares will best suit your business, and update from old fashioned methods such as paper files which are time-consuming with a high chance of human error.

Maria Fonseca
Maria Fonseca is the Editor and Infographic Artist for IntelligentHQ. She is also a thought leader writing about social innovation, sharing economy, social business, and the commons. Aside her work for IntelligentHQ, Maria Fonseca is a visual artist and filmmaker that has exhibited widely in international events such as Manifesta 5, Sao Paulo Biennial, Photo Espana, Moderna Museet in Stockholm, Joshibi University and many others. She concluded her PhD on essayistic filmmaking , taken at University of Westminster in London and is preparing her post doc that will explore the links between creativity and the sharing economy.

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